Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Holidays

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


I took the boys to see Santa today. CJ was really excited to tell the old fella what he wants for X-mas. He had it all figured out and when he got up there to tell him he forgot one of the two things he was asking for. He was so upset on the way home because he didn't tell Santa about the flippy thing (?) that he wants. I had to remind him that yesterday at school they wrote letters to Santa and he put the flippy thing on his letter. So if anyone has any idea what a flippy thing is I'm sure Santa could use some help. As for Gus he wasn't quite sure about the whole situation. He wouldn't smile and then decided he better cry, luckily the elf got a picture before he started screaming!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Photo Tag

Photo Tag
I was tagged by Jenn at . It seemed like a fun idea so here it goes. I had to go into my fourth folder in my pictures and find the fourth photo and post it. Next I have to choose four people to send this to.

(This turned out kind of funny, I have my photos organized in folders and then in sub folders, so I went to the forth folder, then the fourth folder and then the fourth picture. I didn't even look to see what it was before I posted it. As it turns out it is a picture of my moms dog Lucy!)

I choose:

Sunday, November 30, 2008


We spent our Thanksgiving holiday up in Idaho this year with Jasons family. Thursday Jasons aunt Claudia had everyone over for a very nice dinner. Then we spent the rest of our time at Grandma and Grandpas house. Friday night we went over to Rupert for their annual lights on ceremony in the town square. They had fireworks that the boys got a big kick out of. Of course I think the highlight of the trip for the kids is getting to play with their cousins.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My new obsession!

Ok as many of you know I am and will remain a Twilight fan and can't wait to see the new movie. I even have my tickets and seats reserved. However I have a new Vampire obsession True Blood the new series on HBO. I have even gone out and bought the first two books that the series is bases upon by and author named Charlaine Harris. For those of you looking for an "Adult" ( and I mean that in every sense of the word this is a pretty graphic show) vampire fix, you should check it out!

All I can say is move over Edward Cullen because Vampire Bill is coming!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween '08

The boys sure had a fun Halloween. The festivities lasted 2 days. On Thursday CJ got to have a party at pre-school and they went trick or treating around the business offices at the rec center. Then later that day was the Fall Line Trick or Treat. When we got there they had set up a fun little spook alley for the kids to walk through. Then we walked around to everyones offices and got a bunch of candy. Then on Friday Halloween we went over to our friends the Sjobloms for their annual Halloween activities. We ate homemade soup and baked goods and then they guys took the kids out trick or treating. CJ loves to go with his buddy Noah. Needless to say with all the rounds CJ got way more candy then I will let him eat. Of course Jason and I have been doing our share to try to help!

CJ as an 80's Rocker Dude

CJ and his pre-school class

My new all time favorite costume
Sesame Street Alien

Gus the little Monkey

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Go Gus, Go

I don't think much of an explanation is needed!

Friday, October 10, 2008

My new adventure

I am venturing into a new business and I need your help. My mom has created a beautiful new line of jewelry and we are trying to get it out for the public to see. If any of you would be interested in hosting an open house to show some of our pieces. This won’t be one of those silly parties where everyone has to sit through a boring demonstration or silly games. I would simply bring pieces to your home to display, your guests could just drop in during the allotted time slot and pick out what they want. All I would ask you to do is set a date and give me a guest list, I will take care of sending out invitations. Most of our pieces are one of a kind so each open house will have a different selection to choose from. As a thank you for hosting an open house you as the hostess will receive a discount on any pieces you wish to purchase along with a special hostess gift.

Remember the holidays are coming and jewelry makes a great gift. Why not get your shopping done early and out of the way.

Please e-mail or call me and let me know when you would like to host an open house. RooBarb Desings, we make beautiful jewelry for beautiful women!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

New Pictures

Gus needed his one year pictures done, so CJ and I got in on the act. Don't worry I will be sending some out.

Four Wheeling

We took the boys four wheeling last weekend out to the desert. CJ has been begging to go and this summer was so hot we had to put it off. He finally got to get out and ride. Gus was even able to get in on the fun, we just put his carseat in the rhino so he could ride along. CJ loves to ride with his poppy because he goes fast and takes him on the crazy hills. After 3 days and I don't know how many rides we were all covered in dust and had an absolute blast.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend at Cherry Hill

We took the boys to Cherry Hill this weekend for a little "light" camping and some fun. CJ got to go miniature golfing Friday night for the first time which he really enjoyed. We spent most of the day Saturday at the water park and both the boys had a fun time with that. They had a lazy river which we wondered if we were ever going to be able to get CJ off of. They also had a neat kids play area called Pirates cove which had a big pirate ship and little slides just the perfect size for CJ to go down all by himself. Jason, Gail and I took our chances on the Cardiac Canyon tube ride that was pretty fun, the only one who got dumped in the drink was Jason but he still had fun. I think we will make it a yearly tradition to take the kids up there as an end of summer adventure.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our new deck (finally)

I have been waiting since we moved into our house 3 years ago to get a new deck and it has finally happened. We are so excited to be able to go out and enjoy our back yard. For anyone who came to our house before you know how ghetto it used to be with the rickety stairs and the shock wire around our postage stamp size cement pad. Now we have lots of room to stretch out and put out our patio table. Plus there is now safe and easy access to the lawn for the kids and dogs both. There are still a couple minor details that need to be completed but for the most part it is finished. So if anyone wants to BBQ let us know!

Gus is 1

Gus had his first birthday on Sunday. We had a party at our place and broke in the new deck. It was a lot of fun although I don't think Gus knew all the fuss was for him. He didn't have much interest in opening any of his presents but all the other kids helped with that. He did however think the cake was "awesome" as CJ would put it. Thanks to everyone who came and help us celebrate!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monster Bus

So we were out at Jordan Landing the other night and I saw something that I just had to bring CJ to do. That child just loves monster trucks and I knew this may be the only chance he ever gets to ride in one. There was a Monster Bus in the parking lot giving rides to raise money for The March of Dimes so of course we had to do it. We had to invite Poppy to come along because I knew we would never hear the end of it if we didn't bring him. So last night we got everyone together for the big event. Jason didn't get to come along because he had to work late and he sure missed out. I had told CJ earlier in the day what we were going to do and showed him a picture of the bus I had taken on my phone, he said he was going to "freak out". He was excited all day about riding in a real monster truck, until we got there and he saw how big it really was. It took some coaxing but we got him on the bus and in his seat. What a crazy ride we did all kinds of donuts and twists and turns around the parking lot. I think the boys had a good time I wish I would have gotten a picture of their faces but there was no way I could have taken a picture while that thing was moving I was too busy holding on for dear life.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

In the Fountain

We went over to moms for dinner the other night and the boys decided to entertain us. Gus finally discovered the fountain in the courtyard. At first he was just having fun playing with the water, but soon that wasn't enough and he had to crawl into the water to really enjoy himself. This fountain used to be on of CJ's favorite things to play with but I think he has passed that torch to his little brother. Of course CJ couldn't let Gus get all the attention, so he decided he would shove his face in his cake.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Summer Fun

Here is some of the stuff we have been up to this summer.

Welcome Ashlyn RaeAndrus Homer

Well for those of you who may not know Justen and Jenn welcomed the arrival of their fourth baby Ashlyn. She was born on June 24 and weighed 8lb 1 oz. She looks juts like her big sissy Kayleigh and her daddy. We are so glad to have her in our family and cannot wait to meet her (they live in Washington)!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Quick Update

I noticed I have been a little lax when it comes to pictures of Gus so I have been trying to make up for it the last couple of weeks. He is getting so big he was a whopping 22 lbs at his 9 month checkup. He has finally mastered the army man crawl but is working hard on getting the hands and knees crawl down. He now has six teeth which you can probably see in some of the pictures below. All I know is that kid sure loves his big brother, and CJ is really getting good at playing with Gus rather that just being annoyed by him.